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卜智城 卜观艺术

2023-05-31 11:50:00


martha graham: the dancer revealed




(玛莎葛兰姆) “我的一生是在舞蹈中度过,它使我生活得充实,虽然有时感觉并不愉快,甚至有些可怕,但那是不可避免的。”

  (martha graham) “i've spent all my life with dance and being a dancer. it's permitting life to use you in a very intense way. sometimes it's not pleasant. sometimes it's fearful but nonetheless it's inevitable.”


  martha graham was one of the great american artists of the 20th century. she changed dance. she invented a new language of movement and used it to reveal the passion, the rage and the ecstasy common to human experience. she choreographed and danced for 70 years. she was the first dancer ever to perform at the white house. she was the first dancer to receive america's highest civilian award, the medal of freedom, and the first to tour abroad as a cultural ambassador. she received every honor from the “key to the city” of paris to japan's imperial “order of the precious crown”.


   once a young man attracted by the crowd around her, asked for her autograph, she obliged. he thanked her and added, “but who are you?” she snatched back the piece of paper and said find out.



  her story began in the dark sooty steel town of allegheny pennsylvania on may 11th, 1894. martha was irish and scottish on one side and descended from mayflower pilgrims on the other. her father was an alienist, an early term the psychiatrist who analyzed people as much by their actions as by their words. 

(martha graham) “movement never lies,” and i'm quoting through him, “you will always reveal what you feel in your heart by what you do in your movement. this was my first lesson of dancing.”



  martha was the eldest of four. she considered her sister's beautiful, herself plain. in her dream world, she longed to be beautiful and wild. 

  (martha graham) “well i always wanted to go on the stage. i knew that there was a magic someplace in the world, it had to do with the stage. then i saw the billboard of ruth st. denis, i wanted to go, so my father and mother took me down, and i saw it, and i knew.”


  in the summer of 1916, the awestruck martha graham enrolled at the denis-shawn school in los angeles. the legendary dancer ruth st. denis and her husband ted shawn had founded the first professional school of dance in america. martha wrote, everyone there has just one great passion, the passion to create beauty. the atmosphere was infectious, but miss ruth found the five-foot-two martha too short and at the age of 22 too old to become a dancer. eventually ted shawn saw her talent and took her on tour as his partner. martha later said of miss ruth: “she opened a door and i walked into a life.”




 when she was 29, martha was asked to join the greenwich village follies. the broadway producer wanted to add class to his show. martha had been struggling to support her family since her father's death, so when she was offered 350 dollars a week, a fortune in those days to do her denis-shawn dances, she accepted. she was a smash hit, an overnight star.

in puritanical boston, police regularly check the chorus girls for modesty. 

  (martha graham) “girls would have to wear little shirts or something underneath because theirs bear skin show, so they, girls were furious and they put them on, and i was standing there waiting my turn and one man said ‘sir, what about her?’ and a great big burly policeman said: ‘no she doesn't have to she's art.’”

  the showgirls were jealous of her popularity and called her “the princess”, but she knew she wanted something more.


  martha graham wrote these notes when she was in her twenties: i wonder if i will ever be great enough to have interesting memories. i can take care of the success part, but it takes the gods to make me great i suppose.abandoning her security, she moved to new york in 1925, rented a small studio at carnegie hall, and began her life's work. (martha graham) “i don't feel i had any choice, i wanted and because i wanted i did.”

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